Monday, June 11, 2012

Journey (Part 5)

I woke with a start. My hand was numb from the cold mountain stream. By the suns position, I had been sleeping for a few hours. The Ranger was nowhere in sight. Did he continue on without me? I stood up, brushing the low branches of the willow I was under with my hand. I scanned the banks of the stream, and the surrounding area..... no one. I heard something crashing through the forest. It was not the Ranger because he moves quietly through the woods. I glanced around, the climbed into the nearby oak trees branches. The height of the tree lent me a good view of the surrounding terrain. I saw the eight men who helped slay Ezra crashing through the woods towards where I was sleeping a minute ago. I tried to stay as still as possible so they would not notice me.
They stopped where I had slept, and examined the ground. "she was here. We are catching up." Came the guttural grunt from one of the men. They seemed to pick up a trail,and went crashing off again into the woods. I was able to finally take a deep breath. But I froze because a sharp blade was pressed up to my back.