"Ah dear brother, now that is an interesting question....It gives an assurance of safety to those who aren't safe." I glanced quickly around making sure no one was approaching our camp. "Ezra, are you sure we're safe? They might be looking for us."
"Not yet. We only left yesterday." The sudden appearance of eight hefty men strengthened my fear. "EZRA!" I shrieked. He looked up, saw the men, grabbed his sword, and yelled, "Run Esther! Don't look back!" He ran towards the men with his drawn sword. I hesitated, then ran like a frightened deer. I glanced back, and what I saw froze my heart. Two of the hefty men were holding Ezra by his arms. He was sagged, blood running down from his forehead. More men were in the clearing. One, their leader maybe, was talking to my brother. Suddenly the man unsheathed his sword and stabbed Ezra, his blade going all the way through my poor brothers body. I fell to my knees "EZRA!" I tried to scream, but it came out as a breath. "Find the girl!" I heard the leaders deep voice bellow. I got to my feet and stumbled onward quietly sobbing.
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