Monday, September 17, 2012

Strong Enough

I groaned as I slowly woke up. Pain racked my body. I tried to remember what had happened as I glanced around the room I was in. Then I remembered: I was shot. I touched my neck, where one of the bullets had hit me. Instantly, my body registered a ton of pain. I examined the rest of me to see where I was shot. I was shot in my neck, my arm, my stomach, and my leg. I was lucky, I guess, none of the bullets were still inside of me. None of them hit anything vital. Then I checked my surrounds. I was in a small, dark room, there was a small cot, which I woke up on, and naught much else. Then I noticed that the door had a small slot in the bottom to push food through, and curiously enough, it had no handle on the inside. I was a prisoner.
I didn't even know where I was, or why I was taken prisoner, but I knew one thing: I had to escape at all costs. I hate being cooped up in small closed spaces, and being held prisoner with no window in my cell would be enough to drive me crazy within the first couple of days.
After what I guessed was an hour passed, I got up and started pacing the room. It was more like limping back and forth because of the wound in my leg, but I had to do something! I did that as long as could, and then I passed out on my bed. I woke up, a guesstimated couple of hours later, it could even be the next day. It was hard to tell the time in that cell. Since I had nothing better to do, I picked up one of the small rocks that littered the floor, and started to randomly write on the wall. I looked at what I had written and realized it was one of the bible verses that I had memorized; Jeremiah 29 - Then you will call on me and come and pry to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 "I will be found by you," declares the Lord, "and I will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the Lord, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile." I realized that the verses I had memorized as a kid were still with me, they were in my sub conscience. And these verses would most likely help me through the hard times that were sure to come.

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